The Indiana Update

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Location: Indiana, United States

I have been married to my hunky husband, Jeff, for 21 years! We have three quirky but quite wonderful children--Brittany (20) David (17) and Christian (14); two neurotic dogs and six black cats. Life is always chaotic in our home, yet I never give up hope that one day I will finally achieve my dream of domestic organization

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I realize it is already January 3, so I'm just a couple of days late for my fresh start, but better late than never...

For 2007 I resolve to:

1) Spend more time in God's Word. I have struggled with this lately and seem to find so many other things that need my attention. I will begin teaching the high school girl's in Sunday school next week and am grateful for the accountability this requires of me to really be in the Word every day.

2) Lose weight of course! This is a tradition for me going on about 32 years now! I'm pretty sure I didn't realize I was overweight until I was 5 or 6! I'm not sure what I'd do if I ever actually lost weight and didn't need to resolve to do so anymore!

3) Blog more! I got off to a rather good beginning I believe, but have fallen off the pace. I of course am a champion compared to my husband, but that's not saying much.

4) Have at least one family dinner a week. I saw a commercial on TV just yesterday that offered the sentiment "Memories are made at the family table!" While I believe this can be quite true, I thought it a rather ironic place to hear it. With two high schoolers now and Jeff's schedule, it seems we are not all home at the same time very often.

5) Keep the socks in my home organized! I believe laundry is the bane of my life, socks in particular. A few years ago I instituted the "sock rules" in our home. It was a rather complicated list of about 10 instructions for wear and care of the family socks. They, of course, lasted about a week before everyone was back to their sloppy sock usage ways. I have kept to two of the rules, first and most importantly, mom will not (and I repeat, will not!) stick her hand in any dirty sock to turn it right-side out, this is the sole responsibility of the wearer. Secondly, tattered socks go immediately in the garbage, lone socks go immediately in the garbage! They are given a short grace period to find their match, but I show little mercy on this! I find socks everywhere, and it drives me insane! Does anyone else have this problem?

I'm sure I might be forgetting some very important things that I should be pledging to make right, but for now, this list should keep me busy! Hopefully at this time next year I will present to you a godlier, thinner, more frequent blogger with her socks in order and dinner on the table!