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Location: Indiana, United States

I have been married to my hunky husband, Jeff, for 21 years! We have three quirky but quite wonderful children--Brittany (20) David (17) and Christian (14); two neurotic dogs and six black cats. Life is always chaotic in our home, yet I never give up hope that one day I will finally achieve my dream of domestic organization

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I realize it is already January 3, so I'm just a couple of days late for my fresh start, but better late than never...

For 2007 I resolve to:

1) Spend more time in God's Word. I have struggled with this lately and seem to find so many other things that need my attention. I will begin teaching the high school girl's in Sunday school next week and am grateful for the accountability this requires of me to really be in the Word every day.

2) Lose weight of course! This is a tradition for me going on about 32 years now! I'm pretty sure I didn't realize I was overweight until I was 5 or 6! I'm not sure what I'd do if I ever actually lost weight and didn't need to resolve to do so anymore!

3) Blog more! I got off to a rather good beginning I believe, but have fallen off the pace. I of course am a champion compared to my husband, but that's not saying much.

4) Have at least one family dinner a week. I saw a commercial on TV just yesterday that offered the sentiment "Memories are made at the family table!" While I believe this can be quite true, I thought it a rather ironic place to hear it. With two high schoolers now and Jeff's schedule, it seems we are not all home at the same time very often.

5) Keep the socks in my home organized! I believe laundry is the bane of my life, socks in particular. A few years ago I instituted the "sock rules" in our home. It was a rather complicated list of about 10 instructions for wear and care of the family socks. They, of course, lasted about a week before everyone was back to their sloppy sock usage ways. I have kept to two of the rules, first and most importantly, mom will not (and I repeat, will not!) stick her hand in any dirty sock to turn it right-side out, this is the sole responsibility of the wearer. Secondly, tattered socks go immediately in the garbage, lone socks go immediately in the garbage! They are given a short grace period to find their match, but I show little mercy on this! I find socks everywhere, and it drives me insane! Does anyone else have this problem?

I'm sure I might be forgetting some very important things that I should be pledging to make right, but for now, this list should keep me busy! Hopefully at this time next year I will present to you a godlier, thinner, more frequent blogger with her socks in order and dinner on the table!


Blogger Stephanie said...

Laundry is my big issue too - - - yikes! I need accountability in this area!!!!

Thanks for encouraging and challenging me to be in God's Word more - I need that as well - - - I will be praying for you and would appreciate your prayers as well - - accountability via the blog world :)

Loosing weight - on my list every year - maybe this will be the year :)

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

9:17 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Oh - and I am super excited about seeing more blogs from you - I always enjoy reading them and it helps me get to know you :):)

9:18 AM  
Blogger Ando said...

Sounds like you're watching too much Nick @ Nite (that's where that ad is from). You should give your sock rules a more grandiose name to give them some weight. Something like the Sock Accords or the Sock Doctrine.

And I'm mildly excited about seeing more blogs from you....

1:43 PM  
Blogger Becca Sports said...

Yeah...more blogs!!! Now if we could just get your husband to blog. We had a great time also with all of you!

As we talked about I also hate laundry-it seems like the basket is never empty!

Family dinners are super important. Wayne and I read statistics on families that eat together. It helps your kids stay out of a lot of trouble-and I know you have 3 troublemakers! J/K :)

Maybe we can hold eachother accountable for the weight thing. I'm trying to lose the last bit of weight from Naomi. I keep going on and off WW and I need to just be committed! :)

Bible study was top on my list this year also. I am trying to get on a schedule around the house to make sure I get my bible study and exercise in. :)

3:12 PM  
Blogger Peter Brown said...

As I've said, "Stop the laundry!"

Socks and family time is important...I suppose. They help round out the list, but what I crave are quips, anecdotes and insights from the blogging queen of Indiana!

I must say #1 is a good resolution, and I would not think of slighting it but #3 is certainly paramount below it.

Worry about family time later...

3:16 PM  
Blogger J Crew said...

Good list. I'm sure you will dominate at all of them. Maybe you should ask Jeff what he thinks about #2.

11:21 AM  
Blogger jenylu said...

How come you didn't resolve to be nicer to your sister and leave more comments on her blog or something good like that? :)

Actually, those were very good resolutions. I too battle socks but have taken a different tact -- all the kids do their own laundry and they all pay for their own socks. :)

I'm excited about your opportunity to teach high school Sunday school -- I look forward to hearing more! :)

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like its been a tad on the "insanely cold" side out there lately... Business as usual or do you long for sun?

6:12 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I keep checking for a new post - - - - -

11:42 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Let's review the resolution to post more - ha ha :):):)

12:22 AM  
Blogger Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Jody, I hope you're being successful at some of your New Year's Resolutions because so far, you seem to be failing miserably at resolution number 3. I too check...but with less and less frequency as I give up hope of ever seeing an updated post on your blog. :)

12:14 AM  
Blogger jenylu said...

I think you need to write that post we talked about! Either that or you can borrow Michelle's attack of the toilet plunger!

9:17 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

We miss you -come back :):):)

5:40 AM  
Blogger Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Have you just given up completely? :(

8:45 PM  
Blogger Becca Sports said...

Where are you??? I miss your posts that make me laugh! :) Gives us something please, your husband is rubbing off on you!

8:15 AM  
Blogger Drama Queen said...

wow, ur worse than johnny

1:11 PM  
Blogger Ando said...

Our worst fears confirmed: All the Indiana Graves are dead.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Julie Danielle said...

Come back to blogging Jody, come back...

8:26 AM  
Blogger J Crew said...

How are the resolutions coming?

10:36 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Miss your posts - please come back - - - - - - are you and your husband in a competition to see who can get the most comments without posting????? If so, let us in on the competition info - - we can help someone win and end this madness :):)

7:15 AM  
Blogger J Crew said...

I resolved to call her up a thousand times a day

12:28 PM  
Blogger micheller said...

Hey everyone, just 2 let u know...I have a new blog!
I am not using my old one anymore,so check out my new one.

5:17 PM  
Blogger jenylu said...

Whoa baby, up to 22 comments, 23 with my new one! Your fans are missing you and BTW, Michelle has a new blog ...

2:16 AM  
Blogger Tara said...

Jody where have you gone?? It looks like you're sorely missed!

9:34 PM  
Blogger Becca Sports said...

Hey Jody...missing you! You are giving Jeff a run for his $$$ huh???

3:14 PM  
Blogger Pops said...

wow, maybe it will be a whole year before the next post! That might be a record

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey June, You can be the Blog version of year, 1 post!

4:11 PM  
Blogger Becca Sports said...

I'm waiting for that new post!

9:50 PM  

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